Friday, January 29, 2010

Giving 'birth' to a blog

What's the PO!NT of blogging
...the Birth of a masonry baby named 'blog'
Joyce Rivas

What's a blog you ask? A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world.

Our masonry blogs can be whatever we want them to be. There are millions of blogs, like people, in all shapes and sizes, and there are no real rules.

In simple terms, a blog is a web site, where you write stuff on an ongoing basis. New stuff shows up at the top, so your visitors can read what's new. Then they comment on it or link to it or email you. Or not.

As I was encouraging use of the blogs, as is typical one of the contractors trapped me with an unanswerable technical question-the story of my life,"What does BLOG stand for?" he bellowed. I thought for moment and said, that's a very good question. I have NO idea!

Since I'm promoting this 'blog thing' I thought it best that I be able to answer this very basic question in some ethical manner or be 'burned at the stake on some well constructed plum and level brick BBQ.

Curiously, I GOOGLED...response below in the rare case you are still reading. I'll select # 1 Web log. Although after reading I pledged to try to avoid my blog falling into the #3 category.

Web Log
Better Listings on Google
Big Load of Gossip

Personally, I see our Masonry blogs as filing cabinets for the multitude of information that we need to warehouse and provide to our members, giving them what they need to know in a manner that they can actually find it. We are living in the day of information overload, I can say that I continually struggle with a good way to be sure that everyone knows 'what' they need to know 'when' they need to know it and have them be able to 'find' it. It's a huge challenge!
Blogging effectively organizes our statewide activities and local level happenings with minimum cost as the work is primarily maintained by local chapters and each individual 'blogger'. These are non- $80- per hour-IT individuals, who in our world are called 'MAF volunteers'.

Blogs can save postage. Blogs can save you from hunting for hours for an e-mail in your files. Blogs can even be fun.

In a nutshell-BLOGS are one of the best ways to have the information available to you, our members via our website at without having to pay for an IT person to post it on the website.

Consider our blogs a way for you and everyone to see what is happening at the
Board and Executive level, Legislation, our many committees, Membership, Convention, Promasonry/LeadTracking and Enforcement. In general a 'blog' can give us everything we need to know about the entire state with a few keystrokes.

Since Blogging was launched in 1999, blogs have reshaped the web, impacted politics, shaken up journalism, and enabled millions of people to have a voice and connect with others.

And we're pretty sure the whole deal is just getting started, so we're incorporating them into our website at "BLOGGERS"

When starting a blog, companies need to be prepared to embrace 'openness, willingness to share information and be ready to invest in resources to support flexibility' In 2003 Intel's blogging experience began, Technology@Intel . In the name of technology Intel's Blogging started as a grassroots initiative among employees. CEO Paul Otellini recognized the benefits of blogging and launched his own employee blog the next year. Other Intel executives soon followed, culminating in a fully IT-supported platform by 2005. Team-based wiki collaboration led to the enterprise-wide “Intelpedia,” which today contains over 15,000 articles from employees defining, collaborating in and documenting the vast Intel workplace. In 2008, Intel launched a global training initiative (Digital IQ) that invited employees to participate in social media. Within weeks employees began directly sharing their experiences and knowledge on places like Twitter, Facebook, technology websites, BBSs in China and other worldwide support forums.
They created many social spaces to foster dialogue and make important contributions to a widening range of issues relevant to their customers, employees and to the future of technology. Fast-forward to 2010, and Intel now offers corporate blogs in over 25 languages on topics ranging from corporate responsibility and research to jobs and customer support.

The Po!nt: Although we do not yet have blogs in 25 languages like Intel, maybe someday we'll have a spanish blog? Baby steps. Building a successful online community is a process, not the flip of a switch, but one that requires an active commitment from all find your local area 'blogger' or your committee blogger and get involved!

Guess what, I posted this on MY blog and all we had to do to publish the E-news was link to the Blog. A revelation in eliminating all of those PESKY Attachments....yaaaaaahoooo to blogging!

The proud parents


announce the birth of their new

FLORIDA MASONRY multifacted, time and money saving baby

Named 'blog'!

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