Next Teleconference
January 5, 2010
9:30 AM
OCALA new chapter kick-off on October 14th at 7:30 was attended by about 75 industry representatives. . . learning more about the 'NEW' Masonry Association of Florida and our activities to gain back market share and promote masonry systems in Florida.
Click here to view & print the flyer!
SCI Materials6760 NW 27th AvenueOcala, Florida 34475, Joe Staley 352-369-8884 was a gracious host. The schedule included:
5:00-5:30 Social & Networking
5:30-6:00 Block Plant Tour
6:00-7:00 MAF Presentation by Pat McLaughlin during dinner
7:00-7:45 Mason Bond Presentation/Demonstration
Preapprenticeship Students participated in the hands-on demonstration.
"Coming together is a beginning- keeping together is progress- working together is success."