1. Next teleconference- April 6, 2010 -9:30 AM- Mark your calendar. Check Membership blog for sign-in info
2. Member companies-submit logos and company information to deb@floridamasonry.com for website
3. Contact sandy@floridamasonry.com for questions on state AR and your members. Billing for state and local chapter will be separate for 2010. Discussion for combined billing for 2011/MAF state board
4. Rocky Jenkins is introducing a Membership Drive competition/details to follow on Membership blog
5. 2010 Chapter membership goals are to have a total of 50 contractor members statewide/currently 39 .
6. Pledge sheet can be printed from www.floridamasonry.com and distributed to local chapter members. Included is a 'new' monthly payment option, credit card payment option and hardship consideration to be reviewed by MAF state board- masonpro@fdn.com: Click here: FLORIDA MASONRY FLORIDA BUILDS WITH BLOCK BRICK STONE
7.MAF state invoices for renewing members was sent out December 2009 for 2010 1st quarter.
8. To schedule a Marketing report date during May, June & July for your local chapter pat@floridamasonry.com
9. Visit http://www.floridamasonry.com/ for everything 'masonry' in Florida
10. Convention September 16, 17 & 18 to be hosted by West Coast/Tampa chapter-Mark your calendars
11. We are looking to have a 'blogger' for each area of the state that will maintain local chapter blogs on the website 10. 2010 calendar of meetings, activities and committees is on right side of membership blog for reference. Will be transferred to General calendar February 1