Friday, December 11, 2009

January 5, 2010 9:30 AM Membership teleconference

Dial 712-338-7141
Access Code: 239-556-651
Meeting ID: 239-556-651

Online Meetings Made Easy™

RSVP- Devon Brookshire

Thursday, December 10, 2009

January 5, 2010 Agenda

Membership Teleconference, January 5, 2010 9:30 AM
RSVP Committee Chairman:

To save time, please do a self-introduction of your name and area you are representing as you log into the call. THANK YOU.

  • Welcome & Opening Remarks-Devon Brookshire
  • Confirm Area Participants-Joyce Rivas
  • Reading of the Anti-Trust Statement-Devon Brookshire
Old Business
Approve minutes from previous meeting Membership blog

Devon Brookshire

New area expansion update/Lakeland, Miami, Tallahassee - Pat McLaughlin

Review outstanding A/R 2009- Sandy Cinque

Update from MAF Board meeting-Membership levels/2010, Combined dues 2011–Devon Brookshire

New Business

Pensacola-September 2nd/Complete
Southeast-September 9th/Complete
Orlando-September 16th/Complete
Southwest-September 17th/Complete
Northeast-October 21st/Complete
NorthCentral-November 18th/Complete
TampaBay-December 3rd/Complete
Ocala-December 15/Complete
Pending- Treasure Coast/January 20
Lakeland-pending new local chapter
Miami-pending new local chapter
Tallahassee-pending new local chapter

  • Membership Local Area updates/Goals for 2010-Rocky Jenkins

Share ideas with the other areas about what you are doing to build membership in your local areas.-Devon Brookshire/Local chapter representatives

Contractor Target databases have been sent to the local chapters- Rocky Jenkins. Introduction of Membership Drive traveling trophy. 38 contractor members with goal of 100 = 62 NEW contractors members.s 15% of total contractors. Breakdown of remaining goal by area (15% of each market)

Current Contractor Members /Target/ Goal /# Contractors in Market
Tampa 9/ 11/ 21/ 78
Northwest 7/ 5/ 12/ 31
Central 5 /16/ 21/ 106
North Central 5/ 2/ 7/ 13
Southeast 5 /6/ 11/ 43
Southwest 5/ 9/ 14/ 63
Treasure Coast 1/ 4/ 5/ 27
Northeast 1/ 8/ 9/ 55
Ocala 1/4/5/36
Total 39/ 65/ 105/ 452

Pending: New chapters
ContractorsMiami/ 23 Contractors
Tallahassee/ 18 Contractors
S. Central/Lakeland 32 Contractors

Review 2010 Calendar on Membership blog-Joyce Rivas
Set date for next meeting

  • Adjourn

Friday, October 2, 2009

Mark your calendar

Next Teleconference
January 5, 2010
9:30 AM

OCALA new chapter kick-off on October 14th at 7:30 was attended by about 75 industry representatives. . . learning more about the 'NEW' Masonry Association of Florida and our activities to gain back market share and promote masonry systems in Florida.

Click here to view & print the flyer!

SCI Materials6760 NW 27th AvenueOcala, Florida 34475, Joe Staley 352-369-8884 was a gracious host. The schedule included:

5:00-5:30 Social & Networking
5:30-6:00 Block Plant Tour
6:00-7:00 MAF Presentation by Pat McLaughlin during dinner
7:00-7:45 Mason Bond Presentation/Demonstration
Preapprenticeship Students participated in the hands-on demonstration.

"Coming together is a beginning- keeping together is progress- working together is success."

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Membership teleconference Minutes and Agenda

Membership Teleconference
September 29, 2009/ 9:30 AM
Devon Brookshire-Chairman , MAF Executive Director-Pat McLaughlin,MAF Membership-Joyce Rivas , MAF Administration-Sandy Cinque, MAF Engineer-Don Beers,Northeast-Robert Carlton ,Southwest-Amy Kiedel ,Tampa-Dave Luebs Lisa Pelham Al Heindorf ,Southeast-Sofia Silva,Treasure Coast-Dave Pfeffer ,NorthCentral-no representation, Northwest-Mac Creech,Orlando-Frank Cox ,Ocala-Joe Staley,Miami-Agustin Mijares
Dial 215-383-1005 Access Code: 394-921-442
  • Welcome & Opening Remarks-Devon Brookshire Area
  • Participant confirmation-Joyce Rivas
  • Reading of the Anti-Trust Statement-Devon Brookshire

    Old Business
    Devon Brookshire requested review and approval of minutes from previous meeting/Motion to approve- Dave Luebs. Second- Lisa Pelham
    Pat McLaughlin reviewed the Status of Membership pledges A/R report with the following companies in the 60-90 and > 90 days. Membership committee members to follow-up and communicate status to Sandy Cinque
    American Cement-Lisa Pelham
    Ervin Bishop Construction-Al Heindorf
    Falcon Contractors-Amy Kiedel
    Florida Block and Ready Mix-Devon Brookshire
    Heartland Payment Systems-Sandy Cinque, Deb Bartolucci
    Kuhlman Concrete-Amy Kiedel
    MortarNet-Lisa Pelham/Joyce Rivas
    Supranos Systems-Dave Pfeffer
    Sutton Brick and Stone-Sofia Silva
    Tehas Textured Stone-Dave Pfeffer/Joe Lesstino
    Van Goettling Masonry-Lisa Pelham
  • Pat McLaughlin reviewed the status of the new chapters. Both the Miami and Ocala point people were present on the teleconference. Ocala’s kick-off is scheduled for October 14th @ 5:00 PM at the SCI plant. Miami’s planning has begun; however date and location have not been confirmed. Joyce Rivas has been in communication with both areas to address questions, facilitate mailings, flyers and participated in planning teleconferences.
  • Devon Brookshire provided an update on the board meeting from the August meeting regarding the Membership levels for 2010 which will be $1250, $2000, $4500, $10,000 & $20,000. The $400 introductory level was only for the first year and will be removed beginning with 2010 fiscal year.
  • Pat McLaughlin discussed the protocol for proposed changes to state by-laws for additional chapters and introduced Robert Carlton who is the governance committee chairman. Presently the current by-laws will not require amending with expansion of two chapters. Discussion at the next board meeting will be included to amending from current 10 to new and proposed 12 chapters. Robert Carlton welcomed any input from the membership committee regarding the wording that the governance committee would include. Copy of state chapters map will be on the new website.
    New Business
  • At the August convention Membership committee meeting the North Carolina Masonry Association benefits plan was cited as a good example of a thriving benefits model. A copy of North Carolina’s newsletter updating specifics of their association’s member benefits program will be on the members section of for review from the committee. Joyce Rivas read a excerpts from the newsletter and encourages the membership committee to familiarize themselves with the contents of the North Carolina groups progress. Medallion Financial Resources has organized a benefits plan for the Masonry Association of Florida. A letter from Devon Brookshire will be sent to all Members reminding them of the benefits program and containing a business card from James Ball. Jim will follow-up with member database contacts during late 2009/2010 and is available to attend local chapter meetings, make presentations as requested by individual chapters.
  • Joyce Rivas reviewed the timeframe for the transition of information from to to be effective October 30. Member communications will now be a Blogs at with training to take place via the member communications training from John Rehrer. Additionally the MAF is giving strong consideration to social media communications via FACEBOOK and Linked-in to better facilitate the flow of information from the state to the local membership.
  • Pat McLaughlin reviewed progress and plans regarding localizedMarketing presentations.
    Pensacola-September 2nd/Complete
    Southeast-September 9th/Complete
    Orlando-September 16th/Complete
    Southwest-September 17th/Complete
    Northeast-October 21st
    NorthCentral-November 18th
    TampaBay-December 3rd
    Pending-Treasure Coast, January 20, 2010. Ocala- intro 14th, Miami –after kick-off later this year
  • Local Area updates/Goals for 2009/2010-Devon Brookshire
    The local chapters shared in notes below ideas with the other areas about what they are doing to build membership in local areas.
  • Joyce Rivas reviewed Contractor Target database status that were sent to local chapters. Frank Cox/Orlando, Gus/Miami and Robert Carlton/NE chapters asked for theirs to be readdressed to new membership chairpersons. SW/Amy Kiedel, SE/Sofia Silva, Tampa Bay/Lisa Pelham and NW/Mac Creech are in process. Treasure Coast is completed and returned. Joe Staley/Ocala said that he had received original and will be having his office follow-up with additional contractors that will be included in the mailing going out for 10/14 kick-off. All database targets will be maintained and able to be accessed via
  • Membership-Producer Goal currently at 100%.
    Membership-Associate Goal at 145% .
  • Devon Brookshire/Joyce Rivas reviewed goals set for each local area, that will in total reach the contractor membership goal of 100 masonry contractors, currently at 38. The market now is at 416 contractors.
  • Membership- Contractors at 93% of monetary goal and 38 contractor members with goal of 100 = 62 NEW contractors members needed which is 15% of total contractors.

    Breakdown of remaining goal by area (15% of each market) :
    Current Contractor Members/ Target/ Goal #/ Contractors in Market
    Tampa 9/ 11/ 21/ 78
    Northwest 7/ 5/ 12/ 31
    Central 5/ 16/ 21/ 106
    North Central 5/ 2/ 7/ 13
    Southeast 5 /6/ 11/ 43
    Southwest 5 /9/ 14/ 63
    Treasure Coast 1/ 4/ 5/ 27
    Northeast 1 /8/ 9 /55
    38/ 61/ 100/ 416

    Pending: New chapters/Market total/109 ( 15% = 16 contractors)
    Ocala/ 36 Contractors
    Miami/ 23 Contractors
    Tallahassee/ 18 Contractors
    S. Central/ 32 Contractors
  • Devon Brookshire reviewed will continue to be the ‘go to’ website for state information. Pledge sheets are located on the ‘JOIN OUR ASSOCIATION’ section of the website. By the end of October-ALL information, including pledge sheets and other member information, ProMasonry information and all links to resources will be available on

Joyce Rivas requested that each chapter set all meeting and fundraiser events for 2010 during the last quarter of the year to better enable the state to assist with marketing and communication of the local events. Listed meeting times for the 3rd quarter of 2009. Suggestion was made for local chapter meetings that overlap consider a different night to get better attendance. Pat McLaughlin corrected the time for the MAF board meeting/October 13th to 1:00 PM (previously listed at 10:00 AM) on the original agenda and the Northeast October meeting to 1:00 PM (previously listed at 2:00 PM). Changes noted below

Important dates for last quarter of 2009:
October 6th
ProMasonry Meeting/Orlando/FC&PA 9:30 AM -2:30 PM
October 13th State MAF Board Meeting/Orlando/FC&PA 1:00 PM (note change) October 14th Foundation Board Meeting/Orlando/FC&PA 10:00 AM
Ocala MAF New Chapter Kick-off/SCI 5:00 PM
Structural Mas Des. Sem/Dr. Brown/Tampa
SouthEast MAF meeting 6:00 PM
October 15th SouthWest MAF meeting 6:00 PM
October 16/17 Masonry Workshop/Orlando
October 21st NorthEast MAF Meeting 1:00 PM (note change)
NorthCentral MAF meeting 3:00 PM
Treasure Coast MAF meeting 5:30 PM
Central MAF meeting 5:45 PM
NCCER Instructor Cert (21-23) Orlando
October 22nd Tampa MCAF/Low Key Golf/Pebble Creek

November 6th CTC/Preapp. Manatee/Golf-The Preserve Golf Club@Tara
NorthCentral MAF Golf Tourney- 8:00 AM
November111h Northeast MAF meeting 2:00 PM
Southeast MAF meeting 6:00 PM
November 18th Gainesville MAF meeting 3:00 PM
Treasure Coast MAF meeting 5:30 PM
Orlando MAF meeting 6:00 PM
November 19th Southwest MAF meeting 6:00 PM
November 20th Masonry Workshop/Naples (11/20&11/21) CANCELLED

December 2nd Northwest MAF meeting 2:00 PM
December 3rd Tampa Bay MCAF meeting 6:00 PM
Struc.Masonry Des Sem/Dr. Brown/
December 9th Northeast MAF meeting 2:00 PM CANCELLED
Orlando MAF meeting 5:45 PM
Southeast MAF meeting 6:00 PM
December 16th NorthCentral MAF meeting 3:00 PM Orlando MAF Meeting 5:45 PM December 17th Southwest MAF meeting 6:00 PM

Chapter updates

Southeast- Sofia Silva- Membership Drive for January. Contacting contractors. Has volunteers that are assisting.
Miami-Supermix will be the the lead for the new chapter. No date or location set yet.
Treasure Coast- Dave Pfeffer-upgraded the program to include speakers this coming month on the Jim Walters Act and discussion on enforcement to give members a good reason to participate. Need more members. Working to grow membership.
Southwest- Amy Kiedel. Formed a local committee to call on contractors. Shelley Honsberger is the Chairperson. Followed up with contractors that attended Pat’s marketing presentation who are interested in joining. Prorating contractors for 4th quarter dues.
Tampa- Al Heindorf. Meeting scheduled with Bob DiPietro. Get as many potential members to participate in December 3rd marketing meeting to kick-off for 2010.
Orlando- Frank Cox. Setting up a membership committee. 3 volunteers/1 per county that knows local contractors and use list to drive participation.
Ocala-Joe Staley. Planned meeting for October 14th @ 5:00 PM. Meet and greet. 6:00 Presentation. Food supplied by Mason Bond. Tour of Block plant. MasonBond presentation. Getting good support from Tampa. We are a producer and are being supported by Gainesville/Jerry Painter. Catalyst to get contractors to join an organization.
Northeast-Robert Carlton. Looking to use marketing presentation to push membership on the 21st. Several Contractors on the fence. Organizing a fundraiser Clay Shoot.
Northwest-Mac Creech. Lafarge and Quikrete will come on as local membership. Looking to have a membership drive in March/April 2010.
NorthCentral-No representation

Devon Brookshire’s membership letter reviewed for suggestions. This will be sent to all members and addresses the dues for 2010

Pat McLaughlin inquired about Membership Drive plans for 2010 which will be discussed at next meeting.

Date for next teleconference January 5th @ 9:30 AM

All areas are encouraged to share this information with their local chapters.
Meeting adjourned.

Membership Committee Minutes
August 7th-8:00-9:00 AM
3rd Floor/Blue Heron Room, 555 NE Ocean Boulevard, Stuart, FL 34996

In Attendance:
Devon Brookshire, Pat McLaughlin, Joyce Rivas, Adam Freeman, Keith Sommer, Terri Brown, Rocky Jenkins, Don Beers, Dave Luebs, Tom White, Wes Simmons, Sofia Silva, Jim Gulde, Jeff Turley, Doug Stewart,Jerry Painter, John Rehrer, Cheryl Berard, Ray Berard, Mac Creech, Robert Carlton, Joe Lesstino, Steve Berry and other covention guests-welcomed. Open meeting

Devon Brookshire welcomed the group, acknowledged the early AM hour and thanked everyone for their efforts to participate in membership activities
Devon Brookshire stated the meeting was being conducted with the guidelines of Anti-Trust policy available for review
All Attendees participated in Self-Introduction

Old Business
Devon Brookshire requested review and approval of minutes from previous meeting
Devon Brookshire distributed 2nd quarters' report to be presented at Board meeting. All were in approval of the report
Devon Brookshire introduced the Convention newsletter which contained the FOUNDING MEMBERS of the 'new' MAF:

ProducerA-1 Block Corporation B.E.T - ER Mix Bell Concrete Products, Inc. Block USA Cemex Construction Materials LLC Oldcastle CoastalPreferred Materials l Prestige Concrete Products Supermix/SuperBlock Tarmac America, Inc. l Vulcan Materials - Florida Rock Gold Plus Castcrete Powers SteelGoldAllan Spear Construction Bar-Fab of Florida, Inc. BBA MCI Brick Industry AssociationCarlton-Walker Masonry Central Broward Construction Coastal MasonryCocoa, Inc Gilbert & Byrd Masonry Contractors, Inc l Masonpro Oceanside Masonry Old Castle Coastal Distribution-Coloroc, Ruck and Harwood Brick Overberg Masonry Painter Masonry Pyramid Masonry Red Brookshire of Florida, Inc. Southern State MasonrySilver Brick America Carolina Stalite Falcon Contractors Florida Silica Sand Company George Lenze Construction, Inc.Gordy's Equipment of Broward Holcim J.A.M Construction Mike Flynn Masonry Ron Kendall Masonry, Inc.Tucci Masonry Van Goettling Masonry WR Grace Construction ProductsBronze Adrian Engineering Advanced Masonry Systems Amerimix Industries American Cement l Berard Creative Concepts l Bradley Masonry Buddy's Transport, Inc. l Commercial Concrete Products Commercial Concrete Systems l D Lenn Masonry David Nelson Masonry Ervin Bishop Construction l Euclid Chemical Company GBL GroupGeneral Masonry Ginty Construction, Inc. Henley Concrete & Masonry Master Construction Products Masonry Arts, Inc.l MIT Quality Precast Co. l Quikrete l Ready Building Products l Southern Foam InsulationSunchase Construction Tailored Foam Target Masonry, Inc. IntroductoryBedrock Industries l Blockbusters Form Block Heartland Payment Systems l Kevin J. Brandel Masonry Const., Inc.l Kuhlman Concrete Lott's Precast l Medallion Financial Resources l Mortar Net USA Power Concrete Products l Spring Lock Scaffolding Suncoast Builders and Development Supranos Systems(R), Supranos Holdings, LLC Sutton Brick l TNT Equipment l Tejas Textured Stone Turley Construction & Restoration, LLC l WR Taylor & Co.
Pat McLaughlin discussed the new territory chapter MAP and plans to request for a change in the By-laws to expand to areas in Ocala and Miami. Pat overviewed activities related to the new chapters including Tallahassee's intro meeting on June 4th, Ocala's kick-off meeting October 14th @ SCI and an introductory meeting at SuperBlock on July 28th. The kick-off meeting date in Miami is TBA. Polk Co is an additional area that has expressed an interest in apprenticeship and a local MAF chapter.
Devon Brookshire distributed the Contractor call report with status of local contractors compiled byJoyce Rivas. This report was the initial step in the development of a statewide database that will be distributed to each area in the latter part of 2009.

New Business
Devon Brooksire reviewed the chart showing Member Benefit participation and inquiries and encouraged company participation with Medallion Financial Resources,James Ball. Membership committee members suggested that James Ball contact each member company individually and return to the local meetings during the upcoming year; suggesting that much of this year's efforts have been aimed at building membership and not focused on the benefit portion of the the association. Cheryl Berard, Pensacola Chapter president asked to have Jim Ball scheduled to come to their meeting and introduce the benefits program. The next Pensacola meeting is September 2nd @ Taylor Brick. Dave Luebs pointed out that by participating in the program, the association can grow accordingly. Devon briefly discussed an opportunity to grow association participation via an Agent of Record campaign which is a simple and non-invasive way to continue current coverage and change agents. This will be discussed in greater detail at the next Membership teleconference. Joyce Rivas mentioned the long term goal being to evolve the benefits plan to the model of the North Carolina Masonry Association which would necessitate our group having approximately 5000 lives being handled by one agent.
Pat McLaughlin reviewed the current status of Membership pledges which would be included in the Membership report to the Board of Directors 39 Contractors, 39% of goal of 100 total contractors, Average contractor contribution is $2,381. 39 Associates with an average contribution of $1,855, total $148,300 dues from contractors and Associates, 110% of goal of $165,200. 13 Producers representing 75% of the industry cavities and 91% of the producer goal of 80% industry cavities.
John Rehrer overviewed the member communication website and talked about the changes that will take place during the fourth quarter of 2009 transitioning information to, which will become the 'new' state website. will contain local chapter information and John will be training a local representative from each chapter to post their local information, including local database and calendar information on-line. Some of the chapters have already started to participate in the on-line posting as part of the process. Please contact with the contact person for your chapter that will be responsible for local information.
Dave Pfeffer welcomed everyone to the CHEAPER. FASTER. BETTER. convention, and encouraged everyone to look for the 'green dot' on the nametags of those that were NOT current members of the MAF to welcome them. He reviewed a letter that would be sent out from Devon Brookshire to those who attended and participated that were NOT members. Dave answered questions, did some general convention housekeeping including the introduction of "Meet Clareece-our 50/50 Convention Cash Cow!" -3 ways to earn MooolahBuy moooolah for 50/50 drawing $1 = $1 of moooolah,Attend meetings $1 for each meeting you attend, play who wants to be a mooooolahnaire during Saturday night cocktail hour $10-everyone wins/chande to 'double' your moolah!
The meeting was concluded ahead of the planned schedule, so additional topics included having copies of local by-laws forwarded to the Association office to be kept on file
Jeff Turley and other chapters discussed credit card processing/pros/cons/fees/paypal and whether the state could support the local chapters, if requested
All participated in conversation relating to dues and dues structure for 2010 which will be included in MAF board meeting later in the day.
Meeting was adjorned at 8:58. Next membership Teleconference September 29th @ 9:30 AM. Information related to Membership and 'new' MAF at links on bottom of page.

Devon Brookshire, Chairman
'Grow with us in 2009' -The 'new' Masonry Association of Florida/MembershipJoyceJoyce Rivas (941) or joyce@floridamasonry.comAsk our engineer about Masonry being 'CHEAPTER. FASTER. BETTER.' Don@floridamasonry.comJoin the most progressive organization in the state NOW! Click here: Masonry Association of FloridaRead E-news Click here: News from Masonry Association of Florida, Inc.Sign up to receive E-news Click here: News from Masonry Association of Florida, Inc Rate the 2009 Convention Click here: 2009 MAF Annual ConventionParticipate in Member Education Click here: Continuing Education: Masonry Workshop & Design SeminarsMembership has it's benefits , medallionfr@verizon.netSend an event message Click here: Constant Contact Design Request398 Camino Gardens Blvd. Suite 108, Boca Raton, FL 33432Fax (561)239-2462Visit our Member website at Visit our evolving Gateway to Masonry in Florida
· eting.

Membership Teleconference
September 29, 2009/ 9:30 AM
Dial 215-383-1005 Access Code: 394-921-442
RSVP Committee Chairman:

To save time, please do a self-introduction of your name and area you are representing as you log into the call. THANK YOU.

Welcome & Opening Remarks-Devon Brookshire Area
Participant confirmation-Joyce Rivas
Reading of the Anti-Trust Statement-Devon Brookshire

Old Business
Approve minutes from previous meeting-Devon Brookshire
Status of Membership pledges and new area expansion update - Pat McLaughlin
Update from MAF Board meeting-Membership levels/2010 –Devon Brookshire
Status of Proposed change to state by-laws for additional chapters- Pat McLaughlin
New Business
· Member benefits-What is an Agent of Record letter? How could this benefit our association. Introductory letter being sent to all Members/November 2009

· Member communications- Changes/elimination of Area chapter Blogs on John Rehrer

· Marketing presentation update-Pat McLaughlin
Pensacola-September 2nd/Complete
Southeast-September 9th/Complete
Orlando-September 16th/Complete
Southwest-September 17th/Complete
Northeast-October 21st
NorthCentral-November 18th
TampaBay-December 3rd
Pending- Treasure Coast, Ocala, Miami

· Local Area updates/Goals for 2009/2010-Devon Brookshire
Share ideas with the other areas about what you are doing to build membership in your local areas. Contractor Target databases have been sent to the local chapters. Will be maintained for reference on

Membership-Producer Goal currently at 100%.
Membership-Associate Goal at 145% .
Membership- Contractors at 93% of monetary goal and 38 contractor members with goal of 100 = 62 NEW contractors members needed which is 15% of total contractors.

Breakdown of remaining goal by area (15% of each market) :
Current Contractor Members /Target/ Goal /# Contractors in Market
Tampa 9/ 11/ 21/ 78
Northwest 7/ 5/ 12/ 31
Central 5 /16/ 21/ 106
North Central 5/ 2/ 7/ 13
Southeast 5 /6/ 11/ 43
Southwest 5/ 9/ 14/ 63
Treasure Coast 1/ 4/ 5/ 27
Northeast 1/ 8/ 9/ 55

Total 38/ 61/ 100/ 416

Pending: New chapters/Market total/109 ( 15% = 16 contractors)
Ocala/ 36 Contractors
Miami/ 23 Contractors
Tallahassee/ 18 Contractors
S. Central/ 32 Contractors

· You have a new member that wants to join the MAF-‘Where can you get a pledge sheet?’
For the next 30-45 days, will continue to be the ‘go to’ website for state information. Pledge sheets are located on the ‘JOIN OUR ASSOCIATION’ section of the website.
By the end of October-ALL information, including pledge sheets and other member information, ProMasonry information and all links to resources will be available on

· Set dates for meetings 2010. See below/overlap of local meetings-Joyce Rivas

Important dates for last quarter of 2009:
October 6th ProMasonry Meeting/Orlando/FC&PA 9:30 AM -2:30 PM
October 13th State MAF Board Meeting/Orlando/FC&PA 10:00 AM
October 14th Foundation Board Meeting/Orlando/FC&PA 10:00 AM
Ocala MAF New Chapter Kick-off/SCI 5:00 PM
Structural Mas Des. Sem/Dr. Brown/Tampa http://www.masonryeducation/.org
SouthEast MAF meeting 6:00 PM
October 15th SouthWest MAF meeting 6:00 PM
October 16/17 Masonry Workshop/Orlando
October 21st NorthEast MAF Meeting 2:00 PM
NorthCentral MAF meeting 3:00 PM
Treasure Coast MAF meeting 5:30 PM
Central MAF meeting 5:45 PM
NCCER Instructor Cert (21-23) Orlando
October 22nd Tampa MCAF/Low Key Golf/Pebble Creek
November 6th CTC/Preapp. Manatee/Golf-The Preserve Golf Club@Tara
NorthCentral MAF Golf Tourney- 8:00 AM
November 11th Northeast MAF meeting 2:00 PM
Southeast MAF meeting 6:00 PM
November 18th Gainesvilee MAF meeting 3:00 PM
Treasure Coast MAF meeting 5:30 PM
Orlando MAF meeting 6:00 PM
November 19th Southwest MAF meeting 6:00 PM
November 20th Masonry Workshop/Naples (11/20 & 11/21)
December 2nd Northwest MAF meeting 2:00 PM
December 3rd Tampa Bay MCAF meeting 6:00 PM
Struc.Masonry Des Sem/Dr. Brown/
December 9th Northeast MAF meeting 2:00 PM
Orlando MAF meeting 5:45 PM
Southeast MAF meeting 6:00 PM
December 16th NorthCentral MAF meeting 3:00 PM
December 17th Southwest MAF meeting 6:00 PM

· Please review this information with your local areas at your next MAF meeting.