Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Membership Teleconference April 6, 2010

Membership Teleconference
Tuesday, April 6, 2010 9:30 AM
RSVP Committee Chairman: devonbrookshire@msn.com
Dial 630-869-1014
Access Code: 607-282-883
Meeting ID: 607-282-883
Online Meetings Made Easy™

To save time, please do a self-introduction of your name and area you are representing as you log into the call. THANK YOU.

  • Welcome & Opening Remarks-Devon Brookshire
  • Confirm Area Participants-Joyce Rivas
  • Reading of the Anti-Trust Statement-Devon Brookshire
  • Old Business Approve minutes from previous meeting http://www.floridamasonry.com/
  • Blog overview/Enforcement and Speakers bureau new blogs - Devon Brookshire
  • Calendar and area Contacts committees document-Joyce Rivas
  • New area expansion update/Lakeland, Miami, Tallahassee - Pat McLaughlin
  • Review outstanding A/R 2010 - Sandy Cinque
  • Whose in and whose out? -Pat McLaughlin and Joyce Rivas
  • Update from MAF Board meeting- Combined dues 2011–Devon Brookshire

New Business

  • Member benefits-Construction Journal-Pat McLaughlin
  • Proposed Membership Drive-Rocky Jenkins
  • Convention 2010 update-Jay Snyder/Dave Luebs
  • Masonry Awards-Joe Lesstino/Jeff Turley
  • Lead Tracking/Promasonry update-Rocky Jenkins
  • New Website highlights- Deb Bartolucci
  • Confirm Area chapter Bloggers - John Rehrer

Northwest-Cheryl Berard

Northcentral-Brian Fulcher

Northeast-Brian Bussell

Central-Terri Brown

West Central-Lance Hill

Tampa-Allison Willmeng

Southwest-Jeff Turley

Southeast-Sofia Silva

Treasure Coast-Dave Pfeffer

  • Marketing presentation update-Pat McLaughlin
  • Schedule 2nd quarter 2010 local chapter presentations May, June & July

Orlando/May 19


Completed 2009

Pensacola-September 2nd/Complete

Southeast-September 9th/Complete

Orlando-September 16th/Complete

Southwest-September 17th/Complete

Northeast-October 21st/Complete

NorthCentral-November 18th/Complete

TampaBay-December 3rd/Complete

Ocala-December 15/Complete

Treasure Coast/January 21/Complete

  • Membership Local Area updates/Goals for 2010-Rocky Jenkins
  • Share ideas with the other areas about what you are doing to build membership in your local areas.-Devon Brookshire
  • Local chapter representatives Contractor Target databases have been sent to the local chapters- Rocky Jenkins.

42 contractor members with goal of 100 = 58 NEW contractors members

Current Contractor Members

Area/Target/ Goal /# Contractors in Market

Tampa 9/ 11/ 21/ 78

Northwest 7/ 5/ 12/ 31

Central 7 /16/ 21/ 106

North Central 4/ 2/ 7/ 13

Southeast 5 /6/ 11/ 43

Southwest 5/ 9/ 14/ 63

Treasure Coast 3/ 4/ 5/ 27

Northeast 1/ 8/ 9/ 55

Ocala 1/4/5/36

Total 42/ 65/ 105/ 452

2010/5 new contractor members 2-Orlando 2-Tampa 1-Treasure Coast

Pending: New chapters

Contractors Miami/ 23 Contractors

Tallahassee/18 Contractors

S. Central/Lakeland 15 Contractors

  • Review 2010 Calendar -Joyce Rivas
  • Set date for next meeting
    July 6, 2010


Membership Committee Minutes January 5, 2010

The Membership committee held it's first 2010 Teleconference on January 5, 2010 at 9:30 AM via Go to meeting.com. Dial 712-338-7141 Access Code/Meeting ID 239-5556-651
Each area of the state was encouraged to have representation to take information for the new year back to their local chapters and RSVP Committee Chairman. "
To save time and record attendees a self-introduction was encouraged at log on.

In Attendance: Tampa-Allison Willmeng, Bob DiPietro, Ocala-Kelly Kendall, Brian Kendall, Lance Hill, Southeast-Justin Lord, Joe Lesstino, Northwest-Mac Creech NorthCentral-Jerry Painter Northeast-Robert Carlton Treasure Coast-Dave Pfeffer Central-Frank Cox MAF-Pat McLaughlin, Deb Bartolucci, Sandy Cinque, Joyce Rivas Promasonry/Membership committee subchairmen, John Rehrer/Blogs, Rocky Jenkins/Incentive programs Southwest-no representative

Devon Brookshire welcomed the group and thanked everyone for taking time to attend the teleconference. Self-introduction confirmed area participants and was documented by Joyce Rivas. Devon Brookshire reviewed the importance of the Anti-Trust Statement and waived reading Motion-Robert Carlton 2nd-Justin LordMinutes from previous meeting which are posted on the Membership blog at http://www.floridamasonry.com/ were reviewed and motion to approve- Mac Creech 2nd-Justin Lord

Pat McLaughlin reviewed the disposition of the current and new areas of the MAF around the state with expansion plans for 2010 to include Lakeland-Polk/Highland Counties, Miami, and Tallahassee. For those involved in development and growth in these areas details for contacts will be maintained on the Membership blog page. Right hand column at the base of the calendar.

Sandy Cinque reviewed the status of outstanding receivables for 2010. Good progress has been made since the third quarter of 2009 regarding collection. Sandy can be contacted directly at sandy@floridamasonry.com for specific details on local area members.

Devon Brookshire's update from the MAF Board meeting for Combined dues. Will be discussed this year to be proposed for 2011. Dues will continue to be billed separately for local and state dues for 2010.

Pat McLaughlin discussed upcoming trip to North Carolina with Joyce Rivas to meet executive board and observe insight into benefit promotion, certification and other processes of that organization. He will provide a full report to the board of directors from that meeting.

Devon Brookshire reviewed the letter that was sent out to all members with their January 2010 invoices. A copy of the letter is maintained in the documents section ofthe Membership blog for future reference.

Devon Brookshire reviewed the 2010 Pledge sheet which includes credit card payment options and a 'hardship' option for any members wishing to join the association who are experiencing financial challenges. This can be submitted by any local chapter Membership or board member and is forwarded to Jay Snyder/ for MAF board committee review. The 2010 pledge sheet is available on http://www.floridamasonry.com/ and a copy will also be available for access and reference via the Membership blog page.

Devon Brookshire announced that http://www.mafl.org/ website is officially closed as of December 2009. Anyone accessing the website will be forwarded to http://www.floridamasonry.com/ New e-mails for MAF staff are: Pat@floridamasonry.com, Don@floridamasonry.com, Joyce@floridamasonry.com, Deb@floridamasonry.com, sandy@floridamasonry.com . Please change your address books to reflect these new e-mails. E-mails for the Foundation remain: al@masonryeducation.org and mj@masonryeducation.org.

Deb Bartolucci overviewed the many facets of our new website at http://www.floridamasonry.com/ with particular focus on the new chapter blogs which will be used by the local chapters for their member communications. Other highlights included: Promasonry section and information, Convention highlights and http://www.mafconvention.com/ link and other information related to membership and chapter growth and activities.

John Rehrer requested a person from each Area be assigned to champion the chapter Blogs and participate in training to be held in late February. Please respond to jrehrer@titanamerica.com with the person for your area who will be the local 'blogger'.

Pat McLaughlin reviewed his market data schedule for 2009, all areas with the exception of Treasure Coast have benefited from this presentation. TC is scheduled for January 21st, note change from original date of January 20th on calendar. These presentations will be done twice a year in your local areas. The 2010 next data will be available after May 1st. Please contact Pat at pat@floridamasonry.com to schedule for him to attend your May, June, July meetings and make a presentation.

Rocky Jenkins reviewed Membership goals for each chapter and proposed a membership 'challenge' be presented to the MAF board for approval. The committee was wholeheartedly in agreement and welcomed the Motion from Rocky Jenkins. “In an effort to infuse focus and energy into the process of soliciting new members and renewing existing members the Membership Committee recommends that the Board approve a Membership Drive Program.”2nd-Robert Carlton.

Contractor Target databases have been sent to the local chapters-with a goal of 100+ contractor members. Currently we have 39 contractor members = 62 NEW contractors members which is 15% of total contractors in the market containing approximately 452 contractors.

Current Contractor Members /Target/ Goal /# Contractors in Market
Tampa 9/ 11/ 21/ 78
Northwest 7/ 5/ 12/ 31
Central 5 /16/ 21/ 106
North Central 5/ 2/ 7/ 13
Southeast 5 /6/ 11/ 43
Southwest 5/ 9/ 14/ 63
Treasure Coast 1/ 4/ 5/ 27
Northeast 1/ 8/ 9/ 55
Ocala 1/4/5/36
Total 39/ 65/ 105/ 452

Pending: New chapters -Miami/ 23, Tallahassee/ 18, Lakeland/Polk 32 Contractors

Joyce Rivas reviewed the 2010 Calendar which is currently on the right side of the Membership blog. The calendar lists the meeting dates for the entire year and other important industry dates. At the bottom of the list, each chapter's dates are listed and have been transferred onto the chapter blogs for easy reference. Joyce is requesting confirmation that all dates are correct prior to transfer to the formatted general calendar of the website at the end of January. Areas that do not have an * next to their chapter have no confirmed accuracy yet.

Devon Brookshire set the dates for 2010 Teleconferences: April 6, July 6 and September 17th at the MAF Convention at the Sirata in St. Petersburg, Fl.

Meeting adjourned 10:45