Friday, September 10, 2010

September 17 Membership Committee Meeting

Membership Committee
Friday, September 17, 2010
8:00 AM
MAF Convention Chairman: Devon Brookshire

· Self-introduction of committee chairs and meeting attendees
· Welcome & Opening Remarks-Devon Brookshire (1 minute)
· Anti-Trust Guidelines-Devon Brookshire (1 minute)

Old Business ( 5 minutes)
Approve minutes from previous meeting/below (1 minute )
New area expansion update/Lakeland, Miami, Tallahassee - Pat McLaughlin (1 minute)
A/R 2010 -Pat McLaughlin (1 minute)
Update MAF Board- Devon Brookshire(2 minutes)

New Business (10 minutes)
Convention 2010 update-Pat McLaughlin/Convention surveys (2 minutes)
Masonry Awards-Joe Lesstino/Jeff Turley (2 minutes)
CLT/Promasonry update-Rocky Jenkins (2 minutes)
Contractor surveys- Joyce Rivas (2 minutes)
New Website highlights-Joyce Rivas (2 minutes)

Chapter updates (10 minutes)Northwest-Cheryl Berard, Northcentral-Jerry Painter, Northeast-Robert Carlton, Central-Jay Snyder, West Central-Kelly Kendall, Tampa-Allison Willmeng, Southwest-Danielle Larson, Southeast-Sofia Silva,Treasure Coast-Dave Pfeffer

Marketing/Economic presentation update-Pat McLaughlin (1 minute)
Orlando/May 19-Complete, Tampa/May13-Complete,mWestCentral/June 15-Complete,Northeast/June 16-Complete, Southwest/August 19-Complete, Treasure Coast-October 21, Southeast-None scheduled, Northcentral-None scheduled

Contractor Member/Goals for 2011-Devon Brookshire (1 minute)
Contractor members goal of 56 = 24 NEW contractors members
Current/ Goal /# Contractors in Market
Tampa 5 / 8 / 58
Northwest 6 / 8 / 21
Central 5 / 9 /62
North Central 3 / 5 /12
Southeast 4 / 6 / 33
Southwest 4 / 7/ 43
Treasure Coast 3 / 5 / 23
Northeast 1/ 4 / 22
Ocala 1/ 4 /24
Total 32/ 56/298

Total as of March 2010 39/ 68/ 452
*2010/5 new contractor members 2-Orlando 2-Tampa 1-Treasure Coast

Pending: # of Contractors in chapters not formed- Miami/ 23 Contractors, Tallahassee/18 Contractors,
S. Central/Lakeland 15 Contractors


Next teleconference September 28 9:30AM-10:30 AM Dial 312-878-0206 Access 735267235


July 6, 2010 Membership committee meeting minutes

The Membership Teleconference on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 was called to order at 9:45 AM by Committee Chairman Devon Brookshire

Self-introductions of Attendees: Chip Otwell/Northwest, Robert Carlton/Northeast, Kelly Kendall/West Central, Devon Brookshire/TampaBay, Sofia Silva/Southeast, Dave Pfeffer/Treasure Coast. Chapters not represented on teleconference: NorthCentral, Central, Southwest.

Devon Brookshire welcomed attendees and called meeting to order under theAnti-Trust Guidelines-Devon Brookshire/Motion to approve Robert Carlton/Dave Pfeffer (second)

Old Business

Approval of minutes from previous meeting/Motion to approve Robert Carlton/Kelly Kendall (second)

.Joyce Rivas reviewed documents section of the Membership blog which includes a printable statewide calendar of events and encouraged Membership representatives to print copies and distribute to local chapter members, Any changes, modifications or updates of local information can be made by e-mailing The Membership blog page contains links to a comprehensive Member list which is updated monthly as new members join.

Membership representatives are encouraged to send Joyce Rivas any local speaker information from local speakers so that the information can be posted for other chapters to reference for effective monthly meeting presentations on the Speakers bureau blog and the Enforcement blog contains updates and information related to activities of that committee.

Pat McLaughlin provided updates related to new chapter activities in Lakeland, Miami and Tallahassee. Lakeland chapter start-up is being spearheaded by participants in the local apprenticeship training program, MarcoBay. Miami chapter continues to search for a start-up champion. Dave Pfeffer will discuss opportunities with the SE chapter members. Tallahassee has an apprentice training program as well as beginning stages of Promasonry/Lead tracking relationships that should eventually develop into opportunities for a new chapter

Pat McLaughlin review A/R 2010 to date with committee. Copies of AR will be distributed with the minutes to the local committee representatives for follow-up with the local chapter.For copies or questions regarding specific questions, please contact Sandy Cinque

Devon Brookshire provided an update from the state MAF Board-Dues for 2011 will be combined local and state.

Introduction of market survey that will be presented to the board will be posted on the membership blog. Once approved, the survey will go out to current MAF contractor members and 5 selected non-member contractors from each region

New Business

Pat McLaughlin reviewed updates to Convention 2010 reviewing website and sponsors to date.Deb Bartolucci updated the committee on the status of the Masonry Awards. The deadline has been extended to July 15th to give contractors as extra few weeks to submit projects. A promotional e-mail was distributed listing participants to date:Berard Creative Concepts, Painter Masonry,Oceanside Masonry,Bradley Masonry,Central Broward Construction,Pyramid Masonry and David Nelson Masonry.

Robert Carlton reminded Membership representatives to encourage submissions for Lifetime Achievement. Deb Bartolucci will be marketing this award via Constant Contact in July

Joyce Rivas reviewed the CLT/Promasonry update overview and encouraged all membership participants to get to know their local leadtracking team leaders utilizing the information to encourage new contractor members to get involved in promotion of their trade and to be sure that all chapter members are aware of the progress in their local markets.

Deb Bartolucci reviews new Website highlights which include the Membership Drive information, Facebook promotion and the ability to obtain a member password for access to the Members ONLY section of

Chapter updates

Northwest-Chip Otwell. Pensacola will be hosting a Clay Shoot to raise fund to support their apprenticeship training program. They are having a meeting in August to finalize the details. This year they will be sending a representative to the state convention to compete. They are receiving good support from their local school affiliation. Their chapter is having productive meetings and their is good interest in the association bearing in mind the current economic challenges.

Northcentral- Chip Sykes- NO REPORT

Northeast-Robert Carlton. Pat McLaughlin did a great job at their recent meeting presenting the local economic market data. They had a very successful Fastest Trowel with over 50 people attending and will be sending 3 teams to the state convention. Their leadtracking team led by Paul Rivers is doing a great job and there is a L&L scheduled for July with a very influentual architect. The continue to work on growing their membership.Central-Frank Cox NO REPORT

West Central-Kelly Kendall. Pat McLaughlin presented the local economic market data at their last meeting. They have established a good relationship with their local school and instructor in preparation for start-up of a training program. Brian Fulcher is organizing the lead tracking activities in the area and the suppliers are very supportive of the start-up of the chapter and the challenges of getting more contractor members.

Tampa-Devon Brookshire. The core group of associate and contractor members are still involved in TampaBay and they are working to encourage new contractor members to get involved in both promotion and apprenticeship training. They had a good meeting in May where Pat McLaughlin did his economic presentation and the local chapter presented their architectural scholarships for the year to deserving students. Tampa continues to raise money to support apprenticship through their local golf tournament and other fund raising activities

Southwest-Danielle Larson NO REPORT

Southeast-Sofia Silva. The SE meeting for July was cancelled for a summer break. They are planning to resume in August. They have a new local chapter member, Ron Kendall Masonry that is a state contractor member. Their meetings continue to be held in Pompano and they have had very effective local chapter meeting speakers over the past few months.

Treasure Coast-Dave Pfeffer. The Treasure Coast chapter has taken the summer off and will resume in August with their next meeting on August 19. Their scheduled speaker is a Building official from Martin County. Apprenticeship training formally ended in May at Indian River College. Students volunteered to layout a BBQ project for the summer which they donated to the college. Dave Pfeffer will forward press to the MAF to include in publications. This project will give good exposure to Masonry and generate interest in Masonry training.

Pat McLaughlin reviewed the status of the Marketing/Economic presentations that have been given at the local chapter level. There will be a statewide economic presentation at the state convention in September. Local chapter presentations will be available again in October. Please contact about 30-45 days prior to allow for preparation for your local chapter presentation. Dave Pfeffer scheduled the Treasure Coast chapter presentation for October 21st.2010-

2nd quarter presentationsOrlando/May 19-CompleteTampa/May13-CompleteWestCentral/June 15-CompleteNortheast/June 16-Complete2009 presentationsPensacola-September 2nd/CompleteSoutheast-September 9th/CompleteOrlando-September 16th/CompleteSouthwest-September 17th/CompleteNortheast-October 21st/CompleteNorthCentral-November 18th/CompleteTampaBay-December 3rd/CompleteNorthcentral-December 15/CompleteTreasure Coast/January 21/Complete

Devon Brookshire reviewed Contractor MembersGoals for 2010.

Current Contractor members goal of 100

Current/Target/ Goal /# Contractors in Market

Tampa 7/ 14/ 21/ 78 Northwest 6/ 5/ 12/ 31 Central 7 /16/ 21/ 106 North Central 4/ 2/ 7/ 13 Southeast 5 /6/ 11/ 43 Southwest 5/ 9/ 14/ 63 Treasure Coast 3/ 4/ 5/ 27 Northeast 1/ 8/ 9/ 55 Ocala 1/4/5/36

Total 39/ 68/ 105/ 452

2010/5 new contractor members 2-Orlando 2-Tampa 1-Treasure Coast.Pending: # of Contractors in chapters not formedContractors Miami/ 23 ContractorsTallahassee/18 ContractorsS. Central/Lakeland 15 Contractors

Next meeting set for October 5, 2010 changed to September 28th @ 9:30 AM

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