Thursday, September 30, 2010

Committee meeting minutes September 17, 2010

The Membership Committee convened on Friday, September 17, 2010at 8:00 AM at the MAF Convention

Chairman: Devon Brookshire opened the meeting with a· Self-introduction of committee chairs and meeting attendees. Committee representatives present were: Cheryl Berard/Northwest, Jerry Painter/NorthCentral, Robert Carlton/Northeast, Jay Snyder/Central, Kelly Kendall/Westcentral, Allison Willmeng/TampaBay, Danielle Larson/Southwest, Sofia Silva/Southeast, Dave Pfeffer/Treasure Coast. Other attendees included convention guests and representatives from the NCMA and MCAA.

Devon Brookshire welcomed the group & provided opening remarks.Devon Brookshire stated that the meeting was conducted under the Anti-Trust Guidelines. Motion to waive reading/Motion- Keith Sommer/Second -Rocky Jenkins

Attendees reviewed minutes from previous meeting. Motion to approve-Rocky Jenkins. Second Wally Dayem.

Pat McLaughlin explained recent update on the next area to form an MAF chapter, which would be in Polk Co.

An accounts receivable aging was provided to each chapter to compare to their local members and membership dues collection process.

Devon Brookshire provided an update from the last MAF Board of Directors meeting, suggesting to the group that there will be discussion on ways to get new members to join the MAF at the upcoming Strategic Planning Session on Oct. 1 & 2 that would be affordable to the contractors.

Pat McLaughln overviewed highlights of the two days ahead at the Convention, encouraging everyone to participate in the days' meetings and introduced three guests, two from the MCAA and 1 from the NCMA.
Guests were very encouraging saying that Florida was setting the pace for the rest of the country with their progress relating to the promotion of Masonry and formation of a state association. Pat introduced the Convention Survey for feedback on convention activities, location and would be used to determine whether the MAF would return to the Sirata in 2012. A drawing would take place after the Farewell Breakfast. The winner of the Convention Survey drawing was Shelly Honsberger/Tarmac Titan America.

All attendees were encouraged to visit the Awards meeting which was the next meeting of the morning; learn more about the awards process and have a local awards representative from their chapter.

Rocky Jenkins provided a Commercial Lead Tracking overview and encourage everyone to attend the Promasonry meeting to learn more about the progress to promote to architects, specifiers and designers.

Joyce Rivas introduced the Member Surveys and Non-Member surveys which have gone out by mail to the 32 contractor members and 150 select non-member contractors in the state of Florida. Results to be reviewed at upcoming Strategic Planning session. All Members that had not completed a survey yet, were encouraged to do so at the convention booth.

Nametags with a green dot indicated convention guests. Members were encouraged to seek out attendees that were visitors and make them feel welcome.

Website highlights were reviewed by Joyce Rivas and include the new Enforcement and Speaker's bureau blogs and Members Only section of the website. The newest addition is the 'WHY MASONRY' link. nutes)Chapter updates from Northwest-Cheryl Berard, Northcentral-Jerry Painter, Northeast-Robert Carlton, Central-Jay Snyder, West Central-Kelly Kendall, Tampa-Allison Willmeng, Southwest-Danielle Larson, Southeast-Sofia Silva,Treasure Coast-Dave Pfeffer stated across the board that they are struggling with membership due to the economy. Treasure Coast reported that they were making some good progress with having quality speakers with topics that are important to their membership including building inspectors, licensing officials and that their apprenticeship programs was up and running and had good attendance during fall orientation.
Pat McLaughlin briefly reviewed what would be covered in his Economic report which had new information related to the residential market He encouraged chapters to schedule him for meetings in their local market in which he will provide local information. The next local meeting scheduled for October 21st is in the Treasure Coast.
Devon Brookshire noted that that Member goals have been revised to incorporate the reduction in contractor members in the state from 500 to 298. Quarterly goals will be set accordingly after the upcoming strategic planning retreat.Current Contractor members goal of 56 = 24 NEW contractors membersCurrent/ Goal /# Contractors in MarketTampa 5 / 8 / 58Northwest 6 / 8 / 21Central 5 / 9 /62North Central 3 / 5 /12Southeast 4 / 6 / 33Southwest 4 / 7/ 43Treasure Coast 3 / 5 / 23Northeast 1/ 4 / 22Ocala 1/ 4 /24Total 32/ 56/298Total as of March 2010 39/ 68/ 452*2010/5 new contractor members 2-Orlando 2-Tampa 1-Treasure Coast.Pending: # of Contractors in chapters not formed- Miami/ 23 Contractors, Tallahassee/18 Contractors,S. Central/Lakeland 15 Contractors. Devon Brookshire presented checks to the winners of the Membership Drive 1st place-Bob Dipietro/Dave Pfeffer 2nd place Wally Dayem/ Frank Cox. Three chapters shared the winning checks for the chapter prize: Tampa, Orlando and Treasure Coast.n

Devon thanked everyone for their participation and encouraged members to stay involved and attend the teleconference on September 28th, which was later cancelled until after the Strategic Planning Retreat.

Meeting Adjourned

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